Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Let's Get On With It

We'll be movin' on down the road as of Thursday Dec.30th. We got a little delayed with the Christmas Day snowstorm that hit the east coast. On Sunday after 7 inches of snow fell, we were hit with 37 mile an hour sustained winds and up to 80 mile an hour gusts. Brrrrrrrrrrrr! We were as snug as bugs in rugs. Mat and Rob and I watched a lot of movies, played scrabble and ate up a lot more of the Christmas goodies.
We had a great visit all the way around in Asheville. Spending a lot of time with the kids was great. We found out in early December that Robin and Pat are having a girl!! We are all very thrilled and I have been shopping for her already... can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!  And she is kicking Robin already,, she bypassed the flutters and went straight to kicking!


We spent a lot of time with Mat. This has been another one of our enormous blessings, our son is getting his life back and we are getting our son back.  It can be attributed to a variety of reasons, the main one being Mat was ready to fix himself. He has some very solid people in his life who are mentoring him as well. People who have been down the addiction road and put their lives back together. Religion and a belief in God and forgiveness has played  a huge part. This is an answer to our prayers.   Our lives are lookin' pretty damn good these days.

We had our grandson Elliott come and join us for a week again in December right before Christmas. Man, do we love that kid. He is so incredibly special.

After battling the elements in an RV taking this show back on the road and heading south is looking pretty darn good. But first, we need to spend some time with our friends Jack and Laura in Nashville. We'll be  spending New Years weekend with them and then we will head down to Foley, Alabama which is about 15 minutes from the Gulf.  We will be there for a month or two or three... We'll see.. Stay tuned.

HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Very Merry Christmas Indeed

For all of you who have logged on here this holiday season, welcome and a very merry Christmas to you all!
If this is your first time here you may want to do some catching up, feel free to read the preceding entries as it will fill you in on our travels for the last 6 months. Wow, we have been living in an RV for 6 months!!

We arrived back home right before Thanksgiving and have been running here and there ever since. I don't mind saying, there really is no place like home. We have spent alot of time with Pat and Robin  and Mathew. Robin is aprox. 4 months and 1 week into her pregnancy. She has just a little baby bump and has only gained 5 pounds. She'll probably be one of these women who just gains baby weight and then as soon as she  is born Robin will look like she did before. They are finding out the sex of the baby in a few days, of course either sex will be totally ok, but I am rooting for a girl until we know for sure. To be able to buy girlie baby things would be so much fun!!  Patrick of course has been super busy with his Tree business. Thank God in this economy his business is on fire, he must be doing something very right.

Mathew has  been making lifechanging decisions and  has been  setting in motion a new course for his life. I don't want to talk about it prematurely and jinx it. Hopefully I can let the cat out of the bag  sometime in early 2011. We support his new direction whole heartedly.

We haven't seen Jim and Eliott  since we have been home, Jim's business is keeping him extremely busy and it is thriving. We are so happy for him!  We will be spending plenty of time with them in the weeks to come. We sure do miss our little guy, Eliott.

What the heck is going on with this weather?!!  We are in a deep freeze, lows in the teens at night. This is not good when you live in a camper. Currently our cold water is frozen , and we can't dump any of our tanks as they are frozen shut. This week end may be back up in the 40's so we hope to thaw out.

Some of you may be wondering about our future plans. We have the next 6 months figured out. From here we are going to Foley, Alabama in the last week of December. This is located near the Gulf Shores area. We'll be there aprox. 6 weeks then on to St. Augustine, Florida for another 6 weeks then up to a favorite spot in Tennessee for two weeks. Then we are coming back to North Carolina in April to be here for the birth of newest grandchild, we will stay here awhile but do not know exactly what that means at this time.

Life on the road has been interesting to say the least, at times it has been difficult. Probably because we aren't around the day to day lives of our kids and of course we miss our close friends.   I guess you could also say that the silver lining is we have given our kids the space from us that they need to make their own ways in the world. We sure have met some very special people out there and seen so many great, beautiful places that this continent has to offer. We have barely scratched the surface, so I guess we will be doing it for the remainder of 2011.  We have seen  a lot of beautiful campgrounds and thought that would make a great business to get into, so who knows, maybe thats something we will settle into next. 

One thing is for sure and that is, our lives are ever changing. Some change we control, some we do not. For us, we just try to to make  every day count. For you never know what tommorrow will bring. So on that note, Rob and I sincerely wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas. May each and every day bring you all the blessings you deserve.

With all the negative news that we are inundated with  on a daily basis it's easy to feel like we are living in a bad bad world.  I am here to tell you, we are not. We have been working at the Salvation Army Angel Tree almost daily since we got home.This is the most needy season we have had  in many many years with over 2000 kids we are trying to help. In all the years I have been doing this I have never seen so many people step up to help, all 2000 kids are currently taken care of  and the people keep coming wanting to do more. When times are tough people show their true nature, maybe  that's why we have to have the tough times.
If goodness is what is missing from your life, then be the goodness.