Who ever knows as we travel through life what daily events will play pivotal roles in our future.
About twelve years ago we hired a gentleman by the name of Dave. He was a pretty likable guy and really did a bang up job selling Kirby's for us. It wasn't long and he had worked into various management positions. Occasionally he would dissappear for a few days but then show back up again with a somewhat believable excuse. Over time it became apparent that his absences were due to a serious drug addiction. (we would find out many years later that he was a crack addict) We tried to work with him for quite a long time, he really was a nice guy and was so talented, but Dave had done some things that we could not overlook, so we had an unpleasant parting of the ways.
It was not a total surprise to us when about a year later we saw a news story on TV about Dave being charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He had held a woman up at an ATM machine,( he had used the the knife in a nail clipper) and stolen her money. All caught on camera, hence, his arrest.
We never heard another thing about him and just went on about our lives. Dave spent the next 10 years in prison. While in prison he entered a drug treatment and counseling program. He emersed himself in studying religion and became a firm believer in God and redemption. Over the course of the many years he spent there, he mentored many other young, troubled immates. While in prison his mother died, and a year before he was to be released his wife, who had never given up on him, died. Because her medical bills were so high a collection agency moved in and sold off all their personal possesions. When Dave was finally released all he had left were the clothes he had gone in with. Dave had paid his debt to society.
Area churches stepped in and got Dave some suits and ties and dress shirts. They helped him get into an apartment. All Dave wanted to do was get back into Kirby because at one time he was really good at it. Being a convicted felon there were some hoops. I know the gentleman that took over our territory after we left Kirby called Rob to get his take on Dave's abilities. Of course with drugs out of the way we knew that the sky was limit, why not give him a shot.
In December of this past year our son Mat was yet again looking for employment. We suggested that he might want to go to the local Kirby office and sell Kirbys, so he did. We had been invited guests to their company Christmas party, which happened to be the day after Mat started. Dave was at the party, he had now been back to work for several months and was doing a great job. He was sooo glad to see us and wanted desparetly for us to know the man he had now become. He was so proud of having been almost 11 years clean and sober. I then told him our son Mat's story and asked him if he would take Mat under his wing. Maybe by Dave sharing his story, Mat might get it. Dave's exact words were, "it would be my honor".
Dave worked the next week with Mat every day. Mat told me his heart had changed and he decided to give himself up to God. He was crying when he told me this. Mat had been living in a bad situation and when Dave went to drop him off one night. He told Mat, "no more". They got all of Mat's belongings and Mat moved in with Dave. That was about 6 weeks ago and that is where Mat still lives. They have developed quite a routine. Every morning they do lessons out of a book called "A Purpose Driven Life". They go out and work together every day. Dave is a big believer in the 12 step program and that is part of their bigger plan, to complete the steps.
We hear from both of them almost every day, Mathew is getting stronger every day and feeling good about himself again. (He sold 5 Kirby's in the last five days!) and Dave, well something tells me Dave is getting plenty out of helping someone beat the cycle of drugs. After receiving a text message from Dave yesterday Rob replied and ended his message with "thank you". Dave texted back" it is my honor". Wow.
Who knew that the Dave who blew through our lives so long ago would be back in this capacity.
At Christmas time a local department store ran an unbelievable sale on dress shirts and ties so I picked up a few and gave them to Dave. It was the least of what I could do for what he was doing for us. A short while later he came to Rob and I with a Christmas card for each of us. He said I can't afford to get you a gift for Christmas but I'd like you to each have the most important thing I own. Apparently you get a 5 year coin after 5 years of sobriety. He gave us each one of his 5 year coins. It's humbling. Rob carries his in his pocket every day.
You never know how today's events will shape your future.
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